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My Wealthy Affiliate Blogs

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The following are some of my wealthy affiliate blogs beginning with the latest at the top. If any of the blogs interest you, just click on the “Read The Entire Article Here” and it will take you to the blog post.

Take-Off Friday

My Wealthy Affiliate Blogs 1

“Welcome to Friday. In preparation for take-off, please ensure all negative attitudes are properly stowed. On behalf of your captain, Jack Daniels and myself, welcome aboard. I expect sunshine and good attitudes today for our trip. Enjoy the ride.“
– Unknown

Getting Ready To Take-Off

Yes, we have arrived. To Friday, that is…

…and we arrive to Friday to get ready to Take off.

>>> Read The Entire Blog Post Here

Thoughtful Thursday

My Wealthy Affiliate Blogs 2

While I was preparing about what to write on my Thursday blog, the following thoughts were going through my mind.

What is Thursday to most people?

Is Thursday the new Friday?

Is it the best day of the week? Or the worse?

What happens on Thursday?

>>> Read The Entire Article Here

It’s Wednesday – Hang On! We’re half way to Friday

My Wealthy Affiliate Blogs 3

Hello my fellow WArriors,

We are half-way through the week.

What Does Wednesday Mean To You?

This week my offline work is slow so I work on my online business to improve my website. For those that are following my blogs, I shared my plans to improve my website by narrowing my niche to take advantage of my strengths to build authority.

>>> Read The Entire Article Here

Is Tuesday The Best Day Of The Week For You?

My Wealthy Affiliate Blogs 4

Here we are Tuesday and how do you feel today?

Tuesday Is The Safest Day To Drive

According to the Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Fatal crashes are least likely to happen on a Tuesday.

How about you?

Do you do the safest activity on Tuesday? Something you are sure to accomplish so it gets you going for the rest of the week.

>>> Read The Entire Article Here

Manic Monday

My Wealthy Affiliate Blogs 5

Hello Monday!

Remember the Bangals song, Manic Monday?

Is this how you are feeling today?

It's just another manic Monday

I wish it was Sunday

‘Cause that's my fun day

My I don't have to run day

It's just another manic Monday

Another rat race beginning.

>>> Read The Entire Article Here

Relax, Recharge And Reflect

My Wealthy Affiliate Blogs 6

It is Sunday.

What do you do on Sundays?

Depending on your season in life, culture and family traditions, and your lifestyle choices, you may be busier today than on weekdays.

If you are not in the super busy group, then you may be a “must have a regular plan” person or “let's see how it goes” type.

Sometimes, it is OK to do Nothing!

My 3R plan for Sunday are to Relax, Recharge and Reflect.

>>> Read The Entire Article Here

What I Learn About Creating Awesome Call To Actions (CTA)?

My Wealthy Affiliate Blogs 7

Creating more effective CTAs or Call To Actions was one of my objectives to improving my website.

While I was planning, I got to know Jay, AKA @Magistudios was planning a webinar on…

How to Create Awesome Call to Actions on Your Site.

My first call to action as to register for the webinar.

If you are not aware of webinars, it is available in the “Live Event” menu on the left. See the Red Box below.

>>> Read The Entire Article Here

Are We Writing To Sell?

My Wealthy Affiliate Blogs 8

While I was working on my website version 2.0 project (It is documented here), I am reminded of the objective of creating content.

How does one get into the habit of creating content?

Common advice is…

Write Every Day

The idea is that you will improve with practice and by writing every day, you will produce a lot of content.

>>> Read The Entire Article Here

My 7-Step Action Plan – Website version 2.0

My Wealthy Affiliate Blogs 9

Time For A Change

I wrote a blog about the state of my website and it is time for a change.

You can read about it here… (Read Here: Time For A Change)

The million dollar question would be, “Change To What?”

After review and reflection, I have developed the following 7-Step Action Plan.

>>> Read The Entire Article Here

Are There Any Secrets In Online Marketing?

My Wealthy Affiliate Blogs 10

If you are in the make money online niche, you may have come across the term “guru secrets.”

There are many “gurus” out there selling you their secret formula or their secret sauce to making $10,000 a month or a 7-figure income.

So, let me ask you the million dollar question…

Are There Any Secrets In Online Marketing?

A very common response I get is, Yes, there are secrets… otherwise how can you make millions?

>>> Read The Entire Article Here

I Paid $500,000 For A Domain Name

My Wealthy Affiliate Blogs 11

Yes, you read it right.

In 2012, I was working for an Asian multi-national. The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), was issuing new generic top-level domain (gTLD) names for public bidding.

Anyone can buy:


Or any of the

.net / .org /

But you can not buy a gTLD. Now, ICANN says you can bid for it in a window of opportunity.

So, what are you bidding for?

>>> Read The Entire Article Here

Are You A Jack of All Trades?

My Wealthy Affiliate Blogs 12

Finding a niche is a critical success factor to any successful online business.

The reason is “niching” would help you target your business and make your website an “authority” .

If you don't create in-depth content for your niche, you will not be seen as an authority by Big G. Therefor Big G, as in Google won't rank you.

Inability to rank means you do not appear on search results and as a consequence low or poor traffic or reach to your intended niche.

Therefore, the starting point is always selecting your niche or to discover your niche.

How do you do it?

This journey begins with YOU.

>>> Read Entire Article Here

Time For A Change

My Wealthy Affiliate Blogs 13

What’s the PLAN?

My first website setup using the training here at WA is up and running. However, it is not producing the results based on my expectations.

Recently, the website health rating took a nosedive…

Made me ponder, what went wrong?

I can do what I do but decided to Change The Plan.

>>> Read The Entire Article Here

Can We ALL 10X Our Income?

My Wealthy Affiliate Blogs 14

I was reading a special report on how you can 10X your returns on investment on the internet.

Some of you must be thinking…

Are you sure? The internet?

Thought that is passé, why isn't it bitcoin?

Imagine This…

A busy mom fills out her shopping list using a retailer’s phone app.

Then she enter her local store. As she walks in, her device immediately serves up a coupon for the in-store Starbucks.

>>> Read The Entire Article Here


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