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Creating a Custom WordPress Site For Your Network Marketing Business

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Creating a Custom WordPress Site For Your Network Marketing Business 1

You can create a website for many uses. If you are building income sites, one very common income stream is network marketing. Every network marketer is interested to grow their network. Therefore, creating a custom WordPress site for your network marketing business is a great way for a network marketer to extend their reach and engage with their network.

There are very few tools or sites on the internet that are as customizable as a WordPress blog. Blogs are highly personalized tools that can be used for any niche and purpose. WordPress blog sites provide that additional flexibility and customization that is suitable for any network marketer. Let's take a look at how a blog site can help a network marketer.

Reason 1 – Blogs are interactive tools

As the blogger, you will create a main post on your blog, and visitors can read it and add comments. You have the flexibility to switch the commenting feature on or off for the respective posts that you published. This is determined by you the blogger. As a network marketer, you can publish the following types of blog posts.

  • Provide information
  • Educate your audience
  • Express an opinion
  • Creat a discussion
  • Review a product
  • Make a recommendation

if you have enabled the commenting feature. The main post usually contains the viewpoint of you, the blogger. Giving it a personal, custom element, through which your personality shines, gives your blog personality in turn. This could create a following and position you as an authority.

Reason 2 – Comments are personal opinions

Visitors who add their comments on your blog posts give their own opinions. They may agree or disagree with the main blog poster and with each other. This can create a conversation on your site, whether it offers praise or criticism, creates a healthy, thriving community that is rich with conversation. The ability to create these types of blogs would make your site dynamic.

As a network marketer, you have an existing following. You want to encourage your followers to comment and contribute to the conversation on your site. These conversations and discussions will attract new audience to participate as well, thereby growing your network.

To facilitate a conversation on your posts, you can do the following:

  • Ask your audience for their opinion
  • Ask your audience questions in your post
  • Ask your audience to ask questions
  • Create scenarios for discussions

Reason 3 – Guest Blogging

Over time, as your following grow and you are recognized by the conversations you create. Many other bloggers will visit your site and post their own content, which is usually remarks and comments on the main post. You will start to network with these bloggers, whether they are from your network marketing company or not.

Some of these other bloggers will be distributors in the same network marketing company as you, others may have had some experience with the products and/or services your company offers, yet others may be new to your company and what it offers. This diverse blend of visitors adds to the personality of the post.

You can then exchange guest blogging opportunities with other bloggers and add new members through these collaborations. Some ways guess blogging can be effective are:

  • Be a featured commenter
  • Offer an opinion as a guess blogger
  • Opposite opinion blogging
  • Featured guest blogger

Reason 4 – Regularly published content

A regular website usually publishes information to the public. Blogs are not like a regular website, blogs are regularly updated and are targeted to be engaging. You can say websites have a static existence, while blogs are dynamic. This adds personality to a blog site. Therefore, the difference between a website and a blog can be very roughly compared to seeing the photograph of a person, and then actually meeting them in real life.

As you can see, based on the pointers mentioned above, it won’t take a gargantuan effort to successfully create and maintain a blog. As you are writing your posts and revealing your perspective to people, you continually add to its custom nature, which will help bring in targeted traffic.

A good way to start blogging as a network marketer would be as follows:

  • Blog about your products
  • Blog about your business
  • Blog about success
  • Blog about the lifestyle of network marketers

Start your blog today – Be Original, Be You!

Hopefully you have picked up on the importance of creating original posts for your blog on a regular basis. This is not the time to hide; you need to allow yourself and your point of view to be known. People who visit blogs visit them to check out what other people think about a particular topic. These people have likely checked out other websites and blogs too. Rehashing material is therefore undesirable; you are getting at least some targeted visitors, and they are likely to have read other blogs and visited other sites that discuss similar topics, or the same network marketing business. Only if you are original can you add to the personality of your blog and bring in the traffic.

Remember to reply to those who comment on your posts. The comment may even be a criticism, yet you should still give a satisfactory reply, making sure to deescalate any comments that may be somewhat emotional. When you give them a personalized reply, you are doing two things – you are confirming the uniqueness of your blog, and you are rising in credibility in the eyes of the person to whom you have replied.

Your goal is to refrain from creating a blog that is a mediocre copy of the hundreds of others that discuss your business, or discuss similar topics. Rather, customize your blog; be original, be YOU and watch the traffic grow.


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